Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Right now I'm going through, literally, a tracksuit/workout/pj's attire situation. I am hunting for a job, ugh, the stress, well not that it's stress really as I'm being lazy, although I do somewhat think it's my god given right to be lazy for a week or two after submitting my PhD! Now I find myself caught in a situation where I'm stuck between pursuing the line of career I have done for the past few years in college or finding and doing something that I really enjoy. Preferably something in fashion but in small town Ireland that suggestion is not always met by the enthusiastic eyes that it should be. But then I'm always constantly listening to the voice in my head telling me that life is too short blah blah. Which it is, I know that, really I do.

Guess it's back to the hunting but I suppose I should really tell myself that if I wanted to make an attempy at this industry perhaps I should devote more time to my only current window of opportunity....this blog! So I will.... and this time I'll stick with it, because after all, it's all about what you make of life yourself right!

Ugh that was a word heavy post!! x
Ps not sure where I robbed htis photo from so if it's your let me know and I'll pass it onto the masses....!
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